Earlier I was trying to think of better places as I stood at the bus stop waiting 1 whole hour for my bus after working a long haul night flight ( @transportforlondon ) and my mind wandered to here ↠ my first ever trip to the Maldives visiting this tiny island called Kuda Bandos. What a delicious little slice of paradise #Maldives #kudabandos #travelgirl #lifewelltravelled #thelayoverlife #paradise . . . . . . . #speechlessplaces #bloglovintravels #sheisnotlost #girlsvsglobe #girlsthatwander #passionpassport #todolistmagazine #blondesandcookies #girldiscoverers #sidewalkerdaily #thetraveltag #travlrguides #beautifuldestinations #beautifulmatters #theglobewanderer #discoverearth #ourplanetdaily #thetravellersedition #beautifulmaldives #resortsmaguazine #travelandleisure